SVGs are much like images except it is not currently possible to refer to SVGs by file or re-use from a dictionary.

Library SVG-to-PDFKit is used to transformation from SVG to PDF document.

var docDefinition = {
  content: [
      // If no width/height/fit is used, then dimensions from the svg element is used.
      svg: '<svg width="300" height="200" viewBox="0 0 300 200">...</svg>'
      // if you specify width, svg will scale proportionally
      svg: '<svg width="300" height="200" viewBox="0 0 300 200">...</svg>',
      width: 150
      // if you specify both width and height - svg will be stretched
      svg: '<svg width="300" height="200" viewBox="0 0 300 200">...</svg>',
      width: 600,
      height: 400
      // you can also fit the svg inside a rectangle
      svg: '<svg width="300" height="200" viewBox="0 0 300 200">...</svg>',
      fit: [150, 100]